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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Social Networking Sites

Hello everybody!

Today I'm here again because i want to talk you about Social Networking Sites, abbreviated as SNS.  

SNS are spaces where people can interact one with each other.We can distinguish three main types: The private ones that helps you to stay connect by sharing important moments with friends, family... Then we have the public ones who tend to be the best place to build relationships and grow your audience organically. And the last ones are the sharing interests communities that people often use them to learn about a skill, stay connect with professional contacts or post things they have learned. As any subject, SNS has advantages and disadvantages.

Some advantages are: 
  1. Staying in touch 
  2. New connections 
  3. Aids in criminal cases
  4. Gives shy people an outlet 
  5. Connecting kindred spirits
 And some disadvantages are :
  1. Cyberbulling 
  2. Misinformation spreads like wildfire
  3. Easy prey 
  4. Less real life interaction. 
But a huge problem that we have in SNS, is the privacy. Once you publish something in the net, you lose he control of it and we give a way to cyberbulling  that means when somebody bully each other through electronic technology. And also we have another society through the Internet, what we call a virtual life.

Here is my presentation: